christinesrant, community, Entertainment, Feminism, gender, gender identity, Television, TV-series

Orphan Black. Kicking Nature’s Ass.

The Canadian TV-series Orphan Black has taken audiences and a bunch of critics with storm. It is renewed for a third season airing in 2015.

I admit I was sceptic in the beginning.

As I watched episode two and onwards I got over the Ringer copycat thing and started to really enjoy the clone story. It is nothing like Ringer, you just need to get past the first episode.

The first season is okay. Some cool tweaks but the genius part is solemnly Tatiana Maslany’s  fault. The second season is much like the first one, not introducing enough clones though.

The abbreviated summary full of spoilers is this: There are these clones, right. In the beginning they do not know but through hula hoops of coincidents, true detectiving and a suicide, they or at least some of them discover each other and their true origin.

Which is the same gene pool.
Perhaps even an international adoption agency. The details are a little bit blurry about that.

The clones played by Maslany only look alike. Which is not THAT difficult since the same actress plays them all.

Their personalities however are very different. Due to their upbringing.

Classic Nurture vs. Nature.

The interesting part is that their differences does not stop at simple personality traits but also in their sexual identity and orientation. Including one being a lesbian and one a transgendered/transsexual male.

Are you born heterosexual or is that a choice? Choice, in this case being a very complicated concept.

I do get why pro-gay right activists still cling to the “I (They) am (are) born this way” argument although I find it archaic. Their demands on equal rights not diminished by it not being their nature.

Although it is more likely that it is a combination of the two and not versus, this show has made a stand. At least made a statement.

It is enough for me to find it refreshing.




